Hi all!
I know it's been a long time since I last posted. I have been under the water, sick and had no inspiration what so ever. I still feel a bit uninspired, but I suppose I can't have it all back at once, now can I?
I recieved an award from the wonderful Leaonna, I feel so blessed to see she's still thinking of me, even though I've just "disappeared". Here it is: I'd like to forward it, but since I really don't know if anyone is still reading my blog, I'm not sure who to give it to.. Leaonna would get it, if she wasn't the one I recieved it from.. June would too, and Tracy aka Lattedah Designs.. But then again, I would love to see if anyone even gets here nowadays ;o)
I will try to get busy working on some layouts, I am not all that inspired, but I di have some nice filters for my new CS4, that might help!!
I will try to be a better digidesigner/scrapper and update more often again!!
söndag 29 mars 2009
I've been away for such a long time.. so sorry!
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 20 kommentarer
torsdag 28 februari 2008
Look what Tracy did!
Hi all!
I have the great tracy in our Ct, and since she was the first to join me, and after all her promoting of me and us, it's the LEAST I can do to promote HER a little too!
She started as a newbie digiscrapper, just like me.. And, just like me, she has started to test her wings as a designer too!
The main difference between me and her, is the skills, I think..*lol* My first attempt was some frames, not very bad, but not nearly as good as Tracys Country Coffee Kit!
It's really cute, and you get it if you signup for her blog updates! The kit looks like this: Go grab this cutie by signing up, it's totally free, and I bet Tracy has some other neat freebies up her sleeve soon too.. you don't wanna miss them!
Hugs, Jessica
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 3 kommentarer
onsdag 27 februari 2008
more lo's!
Hey there..
I'm in a loposting flow I guess, haha..
I made one lo early this mornin with Thelma, my neighbours daughter, and now I made another one with Thelma and her mom.. The last one of them was made to enter a challenge over at Cen's loft. You're supposed to bring in a circle into the lo.
But first, the morning lo: I used the freebie called My own love from June /Cen's Loft and I added some items from our Baby girl kit too. I also made a brand new bow from a freebie action I found at Mega Doodle Inspired.
Here's the challenge layout. I made the items one by one.. and I actually saved it too..*lol* and I'll make some more I think and give away as a freebie.. check the Scrapoholic Blog to get it soon..
Ps.. Join in on the fun you too, the circle with the heart scallop is available on June's Blog!
I'm off to make some more items to the freebie!
Hugs, Jessica
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 3 kommentarer
tisdag 26 februari 2008
Midnight layout;o)
Hi again, I just made a lo from Michelle's kit called Icy Blue, very pretty kit, and to make something a little bit different, i didn't bring an animal in on this lo.. I used an alien instead..*LMAO* Here it is: Well that's it, it's time for bed hours ago..*lol* But I am a Scrapoholic, let's face it. goodnight all!
Hugs, Jessica
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 1 kommentarer
I made some lo's..
Hi all..
I haven't forgot about this blog, I have been really busy woking on the other blog and the site though.. Sorry but here I am again! *lol*
First I made this: It's me and Hera feb 13th 2008. I made the lo from Sammy D Designs kit Daisy Days. A very pretty kit if you ask me!
It's available in the SDK store under designer Sammy D Designs. The next one is made from G Dupus kit A la Folie, also available in the SDK store under designer Gwenevive Dupus. I love the frame and the colors are really beautiful too, even though I'm not at all into orange tones.. strange!
The pic of Lazy was taken this weekend over at Peter's. This one I made from the Spring Horse Kit 1&2 made by me. It's available in the store at the Scrapoholic Site. Click Scrapoholic Kits.
The pic is Tella, a 6 months old filly looking on me from above, that's the reason for the weird look and angle ;o) This one is made from Karel's kits Spring and A Sunshiny Day. I tend to scrap animals, as you can see..*lol* This year most of the lo's have been about horses, so I thought I'd put in something else, and so it happened to be lambs and sheep..*lol* Karel had the sweet lambs in her A Sunshiny day kit, and that's where I took off..
It's all available at Crafty Accents. This one I made when i saw Karels kit called Chill out. I think the icecubes illustrate pretty well how I feel about this picture, hehe.. Nemo has got to be crazy to stick his nose into all that snow.. Brrrr.. I'm just glad we don't have snow anymore, we've had snow for like 2 or 3 weeks totally, and I'm soo happy to not have it, I hate freezing and getting wet! (One can't think I've been working with horses for 10 years, huh? All you ever get is wet and cold or swetty and dirty, haha)
I felt like I had to show off my lo's, and I'll get them all into the galleries too, I just have to scrap some of Michelle's stuff too!
Or wait, I did make her 2 BB pages for the February challenge over at Craftyscraps.. here they are, they'll be available as feebies in the end of the month! Be nice, this is my very first BB page ever..*lol*
It's made from some of Michelle's earlier work, like the frames. The bows are coming back in different kits, but these were taken form on of her Snow Lovies kits. It's kinda hard to rememer the names of all the kits I included, so have a go and look in her store if you like anything! At least I kinda like the lo.. in the end..
And of course I brought Hera in on it too.. *lmao* I really love that horse, so sweet and kind and still just 3 years old.. I'm gonna break her in this spring, let's see if I still love her after that..*lol* Here's the other BB page I made for Michelle. This one is made from some of her later kits, such as the I love you and Valentine kit. I also used the frame in her kit Hoppin' cute and turned it into pink instead of green ;o)
OH, and before i go, I recieved a gift from Carolyn K.. She made a lo from my Color Challenge Kit ( Freebie) and I love what she did!! Cori Ann, her daughter, won a singing contest a while back, and this is how happy she was!Thank you Carolyn, for taking the time to make this and send it to me! Means a lot!! *hugs* AND: I recieved a late christmascard yesterday! It was a snowglobe from Carolyn, I was all excited, and so was Lucas, he LOVES getting mail, and he dressed up the snowman with the stickers really well, haha.. THANK YOU Carolyn, so sweet of you! And you're right, better late than never!
Now I'm off again, need to zip up some things and post in groups and other nice things that comes with being a designer.. lots of fun!
Take care all of you!
Hugs, Jessica
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 2 kommentarer
torsdag 14 februari 2008
Found a contest I entered
I may be busy, but I was told there was a contest going on over at Gottapixel, and so I enteredwith this little layout, made from our new Baby Boy kit, plus some items I recolored from my other kits.. The shelf is the one I made you as a gift if you join our group.. I think it's sooo cute. And now you see it in use!
But I'd be very surprised if i won with this one, since i made itin like ten minutes, maybe 15..*lol*
Doesn't matter to me either, the important thing is to have some FUN! And after making all the freebies and kits this week, I needed a rest and some scrapping time..*lol*
I still need to figure out a new challenge for tomorrow.. Hm.
Well, just wanted to show this, bye bye!!
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 4 kommentarer
onsdag 13 februari 2008
New gift for joining the group, and new kits in the store soon..
Hey there all of you!
First, THANK YOU for all the visits on both the blog and the site on our first day. That's great, I never would have imagined so many people would wanna come here ;o)
Leaonna and I have been in an overdrive..*lol* and we have made you some upcoming kits, they are done and so on, but we need to get Peter (my sweetheart that makes the site for us) to get it into the store too.
He's Mr Patience himself..*lol* We keep changing our minds and getting new ideas and so on, and he just keeps doing as I ask him to.. no wonder I love him! Oh, Happy Valentines Day by the way!
Well, here is our first news:
the peoplein our group just recieved a link for this cute frame we made, and it's exclusive for group members only. If you join, you'll get this frame too, plus other offers every now and then.. plus you get to meet new friends and find some new freebies maybe..*lol*
It looks like this: I love the teddy on the shelf..*lol*
NOTICE: In the group we want you to post about once a week at the least,or we will ban you. No lurkers please. This is common courtesy, to participate in the group once you've joined, what if you join a group and NOBODY posted, how much fun is that? *LMAO* Well, we're pretty accepting, but if you know you won't post, please join Leaonna's Busyscrappin group instead, ok?
Upcoming kits :
Here are the prewiews of the upcoming kits.
Scrapoholic's Baby Boy Kit.
Scrapoholic's Baby Girl Kit
Scrapoholic's Neutral Baby Kit
Scrapoholic's Photo Time Frame Kit
We'll add these as soon as we can, and let you know the price ;o)
We have had requests about a Cutie Kitty Kit since there is a Cutie doggy kit..*lol* and all I can say is.. Maybe! We are thinking in a lot of directions, and this week we made the collabkit for Digiscrap Depot, (link goes to their blog wher ou can get the kit) plus the ones above and all the freebies you get here. And don't worry, there will be another freebie posted here later on today or tonight. I hope you will like it!
Take care. Jessica @ Scrapoholic Designs
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 1 kommentarer
Did the Graveyardshift :o)
Hi all.. I feel really happy to even be able to post this.. I had a SERIOUS CRASH last night, wasn't a pretty sight, let me tell you. I couldn't open my CS2, I couldn't use IM Messenger, I couldn't use MSN, I was unable to go online, and when I finally could I couldn't go anywhere else but to Hotmail and a swedish site I visit a lot (Aftonbladet). Really weird.
I have been working on this all night, and I FINALLY got it to work pretty ok again, good enough to make you a prewiew of today's freebie, and post here, hehe... Thank you, god!
Well, today is a big day.. I decided to ask you to go to our new site to get the goodies!!
Be sure to check out the new BLOG attached to the site, I've hid some extra freebies over there too, or well, if I haven't when you visit, then it will be there really soon, I'll head over there and do just that asap! Please remember that this site was ment to be opened in about a week or so, and it's under construction, but you can get a hint of what we'll offer. The store part needs to be updated with all our new kits and we'll need to fix the store buttons instead of having you emailing me your order, but it'll still work, if you ask me for something then I'll get badk to you asap, of course! Feel free to comment in our chatbox on the frontpage right hand side.
Here's finally a prewiew of your freebie today, but to get it, you need to enter the Scrapoholics site and click on the blog part!
Thanks for your time! Be sure to check out the Digiscrap Depot Collabkit too! More info on how to get this and three more parts for free is available on the site and blog you're about to visit!
Scrapoholic's part:
Thanks for visiting! Bye bye!!
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 0 kommentarer
måndag 11 februari 2008
Today's work!
Hey all..I update this one instead of making a new post..
I made anew lo from Sammy D Design's (over at SDK) kit Daisy Days. Really cute one!
Here's my layout!
I have been busy with some other things than scrapping and designing today, but I still made a little kit and another layout.. The layout is made from Michelles Country Pals kit, and looks like this: The people who own the horses I train, also has a lot of sheep, and it's a busy time this time of the year.. Right now they have over 160 lambs and counting! Lucas loves feeding the ones who are separated from their siblings or mother for some reason, with a bottle of formula ;o)
And I have to say they're really CUTE!*lol*
I also made my part of the contribute to help saving a great freebiesite by getting designers together to make a huge collabkit that we promote and sell really cheap, and everyone that buys, will get the entire kit, and it'll be a LARGE one!! Here's what my part looks like, we worked from a given colortable.
More info on this kit will be posted on Wednesday!
I think I need to go downloading and upload some lo's to galleries.. Take care all of you!
Hugs, Jessica
Upplagd av Nexa (Jessica) 3 kommentarer