The Store!

tisdag 15 januari 2008

Another creative day...

Hi there..
So this has been a new creative day. I took a lot of time to upload lo's to galleries online, but that ment I had to resize lots of lo's first, since there are different limits for maximum size in every gallery.. *why not keep it to ONE max size? grr..*I'm far from done, but I needed a break, and so I started making the pomeranian kit for monica, and I'm half done, haha.. Once I start, I can't stop!!

I have also planned for tomorrow's freebie, since it's humpday. I never got what that means, but I know most designers give away freebies that day, and so will I.

I actually did some scrapping too.. When I cleaned a little on my computer, I found a kit I've been looking for.. Ingeborg's Garden by June over at Cen's Loft. It's a lovely kit in blue and purple tones.. here's my lo:

This is Lucas and his dad spending some time. We don't get to see him too often, since we live about an hour drive apart.. plus he's always busy.. but when we do we make sure to take some pics ;o)

I love this kit, and I'm trying to get the hang of making a rikrak like the ones on this lo.. I'm almost there.. *lol* i know how to make a similar one, but I want it more like this..*never happy, am I? * I'll make it soon, I'm sure!

Need to take care of Lucas now, feed and bath him and get him into bed.. after that I'll be back for a while before I go to bed too.. a little bit earlier than last night I hope.

Take care!

1 kommentar:

Lisbet sa...

Tillbaka i etern med ett fett grafikkort som ska tåla mina bilder. Nu surfar jag runt och drägglar hos alla som skapat en massa läckerheter i sina bloggar. Så nu tittar jag in hos dig med en stor kopp kaffe och ska skaffa mig inspiration.

Ha en skön dag