The Store!

måndag 3 december 2007

I'm alive.. *lol*

Hi there.
I am not dead, but I feel really sick. Everybody's sick around here, and I catched something too.. I'm DEAD tired, and had to PUSH myself to even turn on the computer.. not good!
Well, since I'm here, I thought I'd tell you I'll give you a quickpage made by Robin from some of my stuff, and she's got a new address on her blog, so I'll change it after posting this..
I also made some layouts, one for Leaonna last friday, that I didn't find time to post, and two for June that I made five minutes ago, with some newer pics..
They are posted below!

This one is made from Leaonnas kit "I'm Sassy", get in on her blog!
The pics are my cousin's son Hannez on the left, and my son Lucas, on the right, and they just were pretty in those pics, happy.. and boys.. Happy boys! **Lack of inspiration on the journaling, hehe** Well, I love Leaonnas kit, and I wish her all the best of luck with the designing ;o) She's got some talent!

Here's a lo I made from one of June's freebiekits. Too cute ;o) (I added a rikrak from another one of her freebies too.. They're all available on her blog!) My hubby is on his way to go home on this pic, so I thought the travelling theme was fitting..

This is made from another freebie on June's blog. She makes lovely minikits ;o) The pic was taken only yesterday, so that's a new one.. Lucas had a great time in the forest!!

I'll upload the QP and try to make some goodies for you myself too, and post a little freebie later, hope that's ok?
Take care!

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